Sunday, October 12, 2014

Post operation Praises..

Due to my SIM card breaking and no wifi in the hospital, I was unable to blog daily as I had intended to, during Tom's stay in hospital.

For those on Facebook I was able to keep them informed via my phone, on how Tom was progressing.

Toms operation for his hind brain hernia was on 23/7/2014, so this update is well over due - it seems a long time ago that we were on our way to Birmingham.

The Lord as promised went before us, and with us. Tom from that journey up through his stay and beyond was a star...always trusting in God, he was humbly brave, never complaining, always trying to matter how much it hurt.

Knowing so many faithful brothers and sisters were praying was an enormous help as we faced an unknown journey ahead.

We were shown into his own room (huge surprise and Blessing)... The ultra modern hospital almost felt like a hotel...the view from the fourth floor was incredible. Looking out you could see for miles...then right in the very centre high above the landscape of houses and trees was a church spire...

In my heart I felt it was Jesus reminding us that He was at the centre...always..of everything.
As I was smiling and feeling more Peaceful, I reached into my handbag to find my phone and pulled out instead a pack of cards (rarely in my belongings) ...they were in a 'dad's army' tin with "Don't Panic" on the I was beaming from ear to ear....almost giggling at the way I felt The Lord
was reassuring me...I think until then I was panicking..lots.

The nurse came to settleTom in, completing paperwork, taking blood pressure etc, asking him what level of pain he was in.

This was the oddest thing about a hind brain hernia and syringomyelia - there is an ongoing risk of permanent damage, such as paralysis and huge pain on sneezing...but generally Tom was feeling perfectly healthy and very different to the majority waiting for surgery.

Poor Tom knew he had to endure a pain level beyond his imagination...before he could be healed.

As Jemimah and I said goodnight Tom seemed settled, just a little anxious. The staff said he was on the list for the next day, but as he was not in any pain he would likely be the last to be done. They invited Jem and I to come and keep him company from 9 in the morning as he waited for his turn.

We left about 10pm to find our way to the relatives accommodation...which we were very grateful for. To be 'on site' and close by at a reduced rate was such a Blessing. It's available for relatives for those early days if someone is on the 'critical' list.

We drove the car from one multi storey to another. As we were getting out of the car in this fairly deserted cold concrete car park...opera music was echoing all around. We looked at each other quizzically and obscure to be greeted by the beautiful sounds of opera...

A monster of a car appeared on the exit ramp, windows down, radio on full blast. Yes God's timing as always reminding us He truly is in every situation.

Feeling peaceful, we managed eventually to find our room.

It was basic but more than adequate for our needs. The twin beds were very close together so I had doubts that even the earplugs I had bought would not save Jem, my daughter in law, from my epic snoring. They didn't. Poor Jem had a sleepless night with the snoring vibrations, the incredible stuffy heat..there was no breeze at all and the anguish over her husband of ten months about to undergo
open brain surgery.

I managed some sleep, although I was conscious that I may keep Jem awake if I slept soundly.

By Gods Grace we managed a whole week sharing a bedroom, still best of friends and closer, having shared the journey with Tom together. We were acutely aware that we were not the only ones worrying...the families we were sharing the accomodation with ...were equally anxious as their loved ones were in critical became a family atmosphere as we all shared and encouraged each other...Praise God.

The first morning we sauntered over in the bright sunshine about 830am...stopped off at the cafe for breakfast..sat outside as it was such a beautiful day..wasting time until 9am..enjoying tea, bacon and eggs in the warmth of the day.

At 8.55am we left to go up to the ward...Jem noticed a missed call from Tom and rang him reply...panic set in as we virtually ran through the corridors..into his was empty..the mobile bed gone. My heart sank...Jem nearly exploded...I ran to the nurses station..Tom had been changed to first on the list ..we had missed him by ten minutes.

I explained hurriedly that we had to see him, to pray with him..please...the nurse was awesome ...she saw the desperation in our faces and said "quick lets go"...

The three of us raced down the ward, jumping in the surgeons lift down to theatre.

My heart was thumping, praying as we went..horrific thoughts in my mind..what if we don't make it..what if Tom doesn't come through...he wouldn't have seen us to say goodbye...noooo

We whizzed through the doors, there were 5 people all masked up, around him, and they all stepped aside as we approached...they must have been pre-warned!

Bless him, Tom was tearful, he thought he wouldn't see us, and he was 'pooing' his pants, understandably. We were able to hug and pray with him. Jem kissed him goodbye and they wheeled him through the swing doors. That memory still brings a tear to my eye.

Jem and I headed for the Chapel, where we stayed a while quietly praying. It was possibly the longest few hours of our lives. We had been given the telephone number of critical care, and when it was 1 minute past the time they estimated he would be there...I called them. No he had not arrived.

2 long hours later, we had sauntered down to Critical care waiting room, stalking anyone who looked like they may have news. Eventually they came out to tell us he had arrived and they were sorting out the machines etc..

That took an hour, but it was the hugest relief that he had come through the operation. Hallelujah.
We breathed freely again. It was so good to go in and see him...he was pretty knocked out...still very handsome..we agreed between us..he reassured us with a wry smile.

They had to wake him up every 15 minutes to ask him 3 questions to ensure there was no brain bleeding going on. Poor Tom had the hugest indescribable pain in his head and nausea ...trying to be sick whilst not being able to sit up was difficult. The nurses were excellent and it was a comfort to

know he was under such close vigilance.

We reluctantly left as visiting ended at 8pm...well I had gone off to give them time together ...and Jem hadn't realised (neither had I) that there were set times...eventually they hinted strongly at 9pm..and Jem said goodnight to Tom, leaving him in good hands.

It was so hard for her to leave, me to, but Jem's heart was breaking seeing her husband in agony and not being able to stay by his side.

We prayed alongside many faithful brothers and sisters scattered far and wide that The Lord would keep him safe, which Thank God, He did.

The first three days were truly agonising for poor Tom..the wonderful staff were both vigilant and reassuring. Tom was blessed with his own room for the whole time. This made a huge difference to us visiting. We think it was because this operation was renowned for the excruciating pain from severe headaches..that he was afforded the peace and tranquility away from the wards of 4 occupants.

Tom was a hero in my book. Accepting this was how it was, trying his best to stay positive...but Jem and I had to stifle any giggles and talk only in whispers around him.

Due to a slight mix up on my part, Tom had a visit from each of the three chaplains 'in situ' ...the Priest first, then the Church of England..he arrived when Pete and Andrew were visiting...slightly awkward prayer time ensued...and finally the Pentecostal lady who was on the same 'wave length' as Tom. All prayer is was just a shock for Tom when the Priest arrived on the first day lol. He suspected I had been involved somewhere along the line.

Gradually the nausea and headaches subsided a little, and with every passing day, Toms risk of a big brain bleed was reduced. No pain killer had been strong enough to remotely touch the pain, or stop the incessant nausea.

This had made it impossible for Tom to eat, so he did lose a few pounds...a 'silver lining' he didn't mind.

Jem was awesome, being all that Tom needed her to be. It could not have been more heartbreaking watching your husband of ten months suffer. A loving wife, she sat hours silently, holding his hand, reassuring him, encouraging him, praying with him.

As it was so hot and stuffy, we were able to go in a lot earlier than visiting times to 'fan' him with a homemade paper fan. Jem spent hours waving a folded magazine page up and down.

She did manage a sneaky cuddle on the bed before being caught by the staff...apparently that was breaking the rules.

He started to sit up a little more, then progressed to the armchair next to the bed, then a wheelchair ride to Costa, down in the foyer.

He was given the 'sign off' and a week and two days post op he walked very slowly, out of his room, hand in hand with Jem, thanking all the lovely staff as he went. Holding his head still, as his neck had stiffened, his scar healing nicely already - we all waited for the lift for the last time.

Awesome....totally on cloud nine ...Tom was on his way home..Hallelujah.

He managed to sleep for most of the journey, and him and Jem settled into a bedroom  at our house, with twin beds. One of them was the mechanical bed my mum had bought when she was undergoing chemo several years before. It's such a blessing with the remote control ...making it easy for Tom to rest in bed, watching TV, or to read a book.

His first few days were still slow, trying to increase the movement in his neck. Ten days later when he had his stitches out he was walking more normally, and the constant headache was less severe.

I hadn't realised how much of a 'cloud' on the horizon this operation had been over the past two years,  lots put on hold as we awaited 'the date'.  It was the very best feeling to be 'this side' of it and Tom recovering so well.

Gradually he returned to working with Pete. He had been working with his dad in the office at home whilst waiting surgery...learning the basics of running a business. He was studying his accountancy exams at the same time. Only a few weeks after, he felt able to go back to study and booked an exam date for the next module. He passed with flying colours...great evidence that no damage done to the brain at all.

Tom then applied for some jobs, got offered interviews and started at local accountancy practice just two months after surgery. This makes me really cry...not because I'm going to miss Tom being around in the office, but because so many prayers have been answered.

Tom was told it would be up to 6 months to recover...but The Lord made that 6 weeks...

Thank you all for your ongoing prayers, thank you Jesus for being with us all, and especially Tom as he underwent major brain surgery.

Tom and Jem have been through a huge emotional adventure, always the depth and maturity of their love shone was such a Blessing to see them together, trusting in The Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise God they can now look forward to the a few months Tom will have an MRI scan to see if the operation has been a success in order that he can lead a normal life. He has hardly any pain when he sneezes excellent sign that the results will be good.

Amen :)

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