Monday, July 21, 2014

Thank you :)

Looking back to yesterday's blog I can see it was a little 'OTT' . I know though that there are many mums out there that have been there and understand. Without a doubt, I would have been as emotional if he was having his tonsils out. There is something sp precious about your children, no matter what their age, that the whole general anaesthetic just a bit scary. We are fortunate that in this country the option is available and the care and expertise second to none. We are very privileged. Praise God.

When I posted the blog and started getting encouraging comments and lots of prayers for me as well, I did think oh no this shouldn't be about me at all..I really don't like fuss and was meant to be about Tom. But then I started to feel more Peaceful and realised I did need prayer, lots of it - so thank you, all of you. If any of you are feeling low - or anxious, then do ask people to pray for you as sometimes you can be too sad or worried to have the energy to pray for yourself.

Tom is so humble he was cringing I think, when he realised I had written his life story...but I explained that the more prayers he receives the more peaceful he will feel. He is very calm and not really thinking about I rest my case! He is not usually a worrier, and does trust in God, but I am certain these prayers being offered up by his family, friends, small group and many of you are keeping that Peace that passes all understanding going.

Jem his wife is finding it tougher, ready to support Tom but anxious at the same time. It will be her first experience like this since being a grown up. I'm praying that this 'cloud' will be full of silver linings and a couple of pure gold ones to. I know she will be there every step of the way, to love, cajole and care for Tom. I pray that they will be Blessed richly as they journey together.

The hospital will call Tom tomorrow to confirm whether or not the operation can go ahead. If the High Dependancy Unit needs the bed for an emergency, it will be delayed until a future date. We trust it will be done in The Lords Time.

Tom, Jemimah and I will travel up to Birmingham tomorrow night if they say 'yes'
....for Tom to 'check in'. We are extremely lucky that Jem and I are able to use the relatives accomodation, so we can be close by.

Amy my friend works at Great Ormond Street and reminded me today that very young children have this operation on a regular basis and recover very quickly. I remind myself of the complex operations Willie had on his brain tumour, and how quickly he would bounce back. I still don't envy Tom the
initial pain anticipated, but with your prayers and positive thinking I'm hoping it will be bearable with
The pain killers/morphine.

Thank you again for your support for all of our family, your love and prayers are so appreciated. God Bless...xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Praying that things will move forward and for peace that passes all understanding to be upon you all.
