Monday, March 16, 2015

Hallelujah hallelujah

Hallelujah indeed. This is the update on Toms results from his operation in July last year.

 For those who read my last blog on Tom, will know we were hopeful that the results of the 6 month Post op MRI scan would be good. Tom has had no pain since his recovery from the incredibly painful decompression of his hindbrain hernia.

 The scan in February went well, and then Tom received a letter a couple of weeks ago saying he had to see his consultant in June. He was slightly concerned they may be going to tell him bad news, as the consultant had hinted if all was well, he would just get a letter or telephone call to say so.

 Both Jem and Tom were visibly upset, as they had hoped for confirmation that all had gone to plan as Tom had been feeling so incredibly well. Not a hint of a headache on sneezing, a miracle in itself.

 However Praise God, another letter arrived Friday to say the "MRI had shown the decompression had caused a dramatic and gratifying reduction in the syrinx cavity (the fluid filled tubalar cyst that was caused by the Arnold's Charia, and was the situated at the hub of all main nerve endings at the top of the spinal chord.)

 One resounding Hallelujah...what an amazing and miriaculous result...with this condition they offer the operation to decompress the hind brain hernia but there is never a guarantee that the procedure will work. It can take up to two years to reduce the syrinx but Tom felt better after only 6 weeks once the pain of the surgery had begun to subside

Sadly Sometimes there is no post op reduction and the patient has to be careful and the pain will continue for  the rest of their lives. We praise God for the skilled surgeon that carried out the laser procedure with perfect results.
This means Tom can put the whole thing behind him and lead a normal life without risk assessing every activity he would like to do. Looking back to this time last year..we could only trust with hope -
that as The Lord continued to preserve him and keep him from further deterioration - that all would
be well and the forthcoming operation in July would be a success.

 We never know what the future holds but we trust God holds our future.

 So today more than giving thanks and praise to Jesus for an amazing healing for Tom....I would like to Praise Him for walking with us and ahead of us on this journey, and grateful thanks that both our son and daughter in law believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ and had faith always in the perfect result for them both within God's will.

 When Tom broke the bad news back in 2012, I wanted him to have the operation the following week. Hearing Tom say that he felt The Lord would keep him whilst he finished his degree, and if he did go to Heaven at any time that he would have enjoyed 21 wonderful years already, and he trusted in God's will for his life...was an incredible and heartwarming insight to the strength of our sons Faith.

 I on the other hand was still feeling sick as his mother that I may lose a son if that was indeed God's will. But seeing The Peace that Tom had, I soon shared the same feeling as we waited for surgery.

 The Lord went on to Bless him with a 2:1 maths degree, a beautiful wife and just recently a new career as a trainee accountant at Nationwide headquarters....and the icing on the cake - a letter of confirmation that he can live a 'normal' life without worrying about a sneeze that could paralyse his whole body in an instant.

The planned trip to Thorpe Park and that long awaited roller coaster ride will be a just part of the celebrations of The Lords Love and ongoing provision.

 The famous poem "footprints" talks of Jesus carrying you when troubled times come...we cannot in
this fallen world travel unscathed...there will be times of stress, pain, anxiety and sadness but if we know Our Lord Jesus as our Saviour, that journey can be one of many Blessings and comfort as He does indeed pick us up and carry us through the tough times.

 The parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-27 talks of building your house on the rock (God) not the sand so when the storm comes the house still stands...Thank you Jesus for keeping
Tom and Jem safe in their 'Storm'...Amen x

We would like to thank all those that prayed continually and for all the positive thoughts from those who do not share Our Faith...for ongoing support and love ...We are eternally grateful to you all. X